Passive displays of our own brand BATRON
Passive displays are used wherever small display diagonals are required and simple screen content must be displayed. Thanks to their monochrome colour representation, passive displays are particularly easy to control compared to conventional TFTs. Contents and information can be displayed both alphanumerically and graphically.

Our house brand BATRON has a large portfolio of standard products of passive displays for indoor and outdoor use in different sizes and colours. When selecting the appropriate display, our experts will find the ideal solution for you.
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Our competences
We see ourselves as "passionate enablers" and as pioneers of your ideas. We put listening and questions before advice and continue to listen until all components - hardware, software and services - together fulfil what our customer wants.
Customised solutions
From the concept to the final product: we offer system engineering at the highest level as well as competent expert consultation in the areas of display, touch, embedded and systems.
Product finder
Whether display, cover glass, touch sensor or embedded board: based on our hardware portfolio, we not only offer you customised products, but also create unique experiences. Take a look at our product finder and the various hardware categories here.