Advanced Input

In addition to classic input by touching the touch display with one or more fingers or special input pens, modern HMI systems can now be operated in a wide variety of ways. Always tailored to the respective customer requirements and environmental or operating conditions, we implement numerous alternative input methods for our customers, such as haptics & force, easyKnob, gesture control, face recognition or voice control.

Touch haptic & force feedack

Haptic & Force feedback

As an extension of capacitive touch technology, we offer our customers Haptic and Force Touch, among other things. With touch input, the user receives tangible, tactile feedback for the touch event on the display. With Force Touch, users can also trigger different types of input by pressing with varying force. The combination of both technologies can offer various advantages and makes the application possible for the visually impaired, for example.

Touch gesture controle

Gesture control

When it comes to 3D gesture control, our customers can choose between two technologies. We can use our camera-based solution, in which gestures are registered and evaluated using a camera, largely regardless of size. Our gesture recognition using a capacitive field is suitable for smaller diagonals. With both methods, customers benefit not only from an innovative interface for their HMI, but also from touch-free and hygienic operation.

Knob-on display


As part of our extended portfolio of input methods, we also offer easyKnob. On request, we can equip touch displays with a button or rotary knob, which tactilely complements the modern touch display and can usefully expand the input method with additional options. The button or rotary control is attached to the display and the touch sensor registers the input made using the "knob". This input method ensures intuitive and safe operation of the application.

Face recognition

Facial recognition

At the customer's request, we can also equip our system solutions with a camera and corresponding facial recognition software. The image registered by the camera is compared with the information in a database, which can trigger predefined events such as authorizations for access to certain areas.

Voice control

Voice control

Another alternative input method is operation using online or offline voice control, which we can implement in your system. Using voice input via a microphone, you can either trigger predefined actions or interact with the system as you wish.


DATA MODUL Flyer "easyKnob" (Englisch)- 2024
1.29 MB

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