Our Software competencies

In a world driven by visual technologies, software services are an important part of the big picture. From operating systems, application software and cyber security to cloud, artifical intelligence and machine learning services: As passionate enablers, our goal is to take your system to the next level and provide smart software products and services.

operating system data modul

Operating Systems

At the core of our embedded hardware solutions lies our commitment to a stable and secure OS. Our goal is to fulfil a wide range of application requirements in different market segments.

menü software apps

Application Software

Go beyond the display with our application software products and development services. In addition to our easyANALYZER and the "maXcs" software suite, our main expertise lies in customised software developments.

cyber security data modul

Cyber Security

Our cyber security solutions are built around the unique needs of the display industry, ensuring that your visual data remains confidential, integral, and available at all times. 

software cloud

Cloud Services

Unlock the potential of cloud-driven display content with us so that your displays are always updated, connected, and scalable – for example with our Content Management expertise. 

artificial intelligence machine learning data modul


Whether it's predictive maintenance in industrial automation, passenger analytics in mobility – our Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning solutions help how industries see, interpret, and interact with visual data. 

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Our competences

We see ourselves as "passionate enablers" and as pioneers of your ideas. We put listening and questions before advice and continue to listen until all components - hardware, software and services - together fulfil what our customer wants.

Discover our fields of competence

Customizing at DATA MODUL

Customised solutions

From the concept to the final product: we offer system engineering at the highest level as well as competent expert consultation in the areas of display, touch, embedded and systems.

Customised solutions

online product finder of DATA MODUL

Product finder

Whether display, cover glass, touch sensor or embedded board: based on our hardware portfolio, we not only offer you customised products, but also create unique experiences. Take a look at our product finder and the various hardware categories here.

To our product finder

DATA MODUL Inc. - Headquarters
Location address

275 Marcus Blvd
Unit R
Hauppauge, NY 11788
United States

Phone: +1 (631) 951-0800


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