Our display portfolio

For more than five decades, our daily work has been characterised by one thing above all: our passion for the realisation of visual display solutions. Both then and now, our aim is to offer our customers a platform for innovative application designs in the industrial environment with our wide range of displays. Click here to browse through our diverse display portfolio and our expertise.

industrial display manufacturer
Custom Displays

Custom displays

For more than 30 years, we have been developing customised display solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs and market requirements. Find out more about the wide range of customisation options here.

TFT display

TFT displays

Based on our in-depth expertise in industrial TFT displays, we are continuously expanding our TFT portfolio. Whether for indoor or outdoor use, from monochrome to full-colour displays: together we will find the right display solution for your application.

MiP displays

MiP displays

Our Memory-in-Pixel (MiP) displays not only have simple SPI interfaces, they also impress with their extremely low power consumption. Our MiP displays are available in monochrome (black/white) and full colour.

e-Paper displays

E-Paper displays

Low power consumption, extremely wide viewing angles and excellent readability even in bright environments: experience the many advantages of E-Paper technology and discover potential applications!

BATRON passive display

Passive displays

In our portfolio of alphanumeric, monochrome and graphic LCD modules, you will find all common technologies such as STN, FSTN, ASTN, FFSTN or VA. Take a look at our range here.

FALD display

MiniLED displays

The FALD backlight ("Full Array Local Dimming") is a dense array of LEDs behind the LCD, each of which can be controlled individually.

OLED display

OLED displays

Vivid colours, very high contrasts and extremely wide viewing angles: discover the benefits of our OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays and find out more about the possible applications.

led outdoor plus components

LED solutions

Our LED solutions are equipped with high-quality LEDs that enable a brilliant display of light and colours with exceptional precision. We offer an extensive range of LED solutions for indoor and outdoor use. 

Shaking hands

Our display partners

We are very proud of our decades-long partnerships with a large number of leading display manufacturers. Flexibility, innovative strength, long-term availability and attractive conditions play a decisive role in the selection of suppliers.

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Customizing at DATA MODUL

Customised solutions

From the concept to the final product: we offer system engineering at the highest level as well as competent expert consultation in the areas of display, touch, embedded and systems.

Customised solutions

Sectors & Markets of DATA MODUL


The right solution for every application and every sector: from industrial HMIs to medicine, digital signage, gaming, the food industry...  there is no area where we cannot fulfil our customers' wishes.

Our sectors


Our competences

We see ourselves as "passionate enablers" and as pioneers of your ideas. We put listening and questions before advice and continue to listen until all components - hardware, software and services - together fulfil what our customer wants.

Discover our fields of competence

DATA MODUL Inc. - Headquarters
Location address

275 Marcus Blvd
Unit R
Hauppauge, NY 11788
United States

Phone: +1 (631) 951-0800


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